Nature Conservancy Magazine: Assignment photography in Panama
Having already photographed RARE pride campaigns in South Africa, I was invited to shoot a RARE campaign in Panama for a story in the Nature Conservancy Magazine. I spent a week in the highlands of Western Panama in the tiny village of Cerro Punta, photographing RARE’s work to promote organic faming in a country plagued with pesticides. I had to communicate entirely in Spanish which added an extra level of challenge to the assignment. The article was published in the Nature Conservancy Magazine (Volume 57, No 4), titled The Pride of Cerro Punta. Some of images from the shoot still appear on the Nature Conservancy website.

Nature Conservancy Virginia News Magazine: Assignment Photography in Chesapeake Bay
I was sent to Gwynn’s Island, Virginia to photograph an oyster restoration project in the Chesapeake Bay. This was a fun assignment because I spent a good deal of time in the water with an underwater camera shooting split level shots of the workers in a boat and the oyster reefs underwater. Images from the shoot appeared in the Nature Conservancy’s Virginia News magazine.

Nature Conservancy Virginia News Magazine: Assignment Photography on Hog Island, Virginia
I was sent to Hog Island in the Virginia Coast Reserve to document the Nature Conservancy’s work there. I photographed the scenery, the wildlife, and conservation employees at work. The images were used in several issues of the Nature Conservancy Virginia News magazine.

One of the images also surprised my by showing up in the famous Nature Conservancy calendar!

Other photo uses by the Nature Conservancy
My image of an Ocellated Turkey appeared in the Nature Conservancy Magazine (Vol 55, No 2)

One of my Red Wolf images was used on Nature Conservancy marketing materials, a note card to promote an event held in Asheville, NC.